Nature does not give everyone the same: one - generous, the other - not so much. Women usually don't like their small bust size, and the main complicity for men is their dignity size. The man who says that he has never compared his penis with another's will be inferior. And statistics say that about 80% of men are not satisfied with the length of their penis.
Modern medicine has learned to correct human imperfections with the aid of plastic surgery. Nowadays, almost anything can change, male members are no exception. How does penis enlargement surgery work, how effective is it and when is it indicated?
Repair method
Men have paid more and more attention to the length of the penis since ancient times. The penis was raised into a cult, and its enlargement was performed by a sacrificial ritual. Teenage boys have their penises suspended with weights. Some have worn them all their lives. The effectiveness and safety of this method are controversial. The resize operation of a member is now in the private category.
For reference!A total of 3 methods of length correction: surgical, non-surgical, combined.
Cut ligaments
The main and common way to change the size of the penis is to cut the ligaments. This operation for aesthetic purposes was first performed by a Chinese scientist in 1990, then improved and spread around the world. The principle of operation is to cut the ligaments that hang the penis. It is she who anatomically holds the penis inside the man's body.
Surgical intervention is performed under both local and general anesthesia and usually takes no more than an hour. The recovery period takes 2-3 weeks, during which time and then the patient is recommended to wear a stretcher to consolidate the results. Manipulation allows you to change the size by 3-5 cm without affecting the vessels, muscles and veins responsible for erection.
Important!There are several options for performing the operation, depending on the type of access: super-cycle, metal-piercing, sub-cycle.
Most surgeries (90 out of 100 cases) are performed to increase the length of the penis, and 10 - for volume or thickness. How to make the penis thicker?

- Fat is taken from the thigh or abdomen using a special needle.
- Then the formed material is processed, removing fat-free tissues from it.
- Some specialists put the penis into an artificial erection, which ensures the material is evenly distributed throughout the organs. Fat filling is performed under local anesthesia.
- A small incision is made on the penis. Using a needle or special needle, fat is injected slowly under the skin. The surgeon helps to distribute the material precisely so that the penis is evenly enlarged.
The results of liposuction are noticeable immediately upon completion: the penis increases in circumference by about 30%.This surgical approach has several advantages over other methods: it is safer, the patient's own cells are used, and rehabilitation is short. However, after a while, the procedure will have to be repeated, as the results are short-lived.
Men with erection problems, as well as birth defects of the genitals are recommended.

During surgery, special prostheses are inserted into the cavernous bodies of the penis, including several types:
- One-piece plastic prosthesis;
- Inflatable two-piece prosthesis;
- Three-piece prosthetic leg.
Dentures are elastic (hard) and hydraulic.Elastic prostheses are more affordable. An erection of the penis occurs as a result of trying to guide, but the constant semi-erectile state of the penis can cause inconvenience to the man. Inflatable or hydraulic prostheses are more high-tech, allowing the penis to remain calm and erect. All types of implants allow the penis to return to its correct shape.
The prosthetic implant process is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 1. 5-2 hours. After surgery, there is no risk of returning the organ to its previous size. Disadvantages of fallacy include:
- High risk of denture rejection,
- Formation of fibrous tissue around the prosthesis,
- Can reduce the length 1-2 cm.
Microsurgical muscle implants
It is possible to increase the size of the penis by implanting a flap of skin and fat. The material (skin with fat content) is taken from the buttock area and sewn around the trunk.

With the help of microsurgical muscle implants, it is possible to enlarge the penis by 3-4 cm, but such an operation is considered one of the most difficult and expensive. The patient was under general anesthesia for more than 3 hours, the recovery time was prolonged.
Indications and contraindications for surgery
Not all men are completely satisfied with their penis size. Some people, on this basis, suffer from phallophobia, which is caused by obsessive thoughts that there is something wrong with the penis. Mental disorders make men lack confidence, affect communication with women and behavior in society. More often than not, these fears are unfounded.
For reference!The average penis size in adult men is 9. 5 or more in length, small penis is discussed when the penis size is less than 9. 5 cm, if the penis is elongated no more than 3 cmthen it's called micropenis.
If the genitals function normally and satisfy men and women, surgery is not required.Surgery can be performed for cosmetic and surgical purposes. The first group of activities is the most common. Penile reconstruction surgery is needed:
- with a reduction or no effect;
- with birth defects in the development of the penis, its curvature and deformation, including the consequences of diseases;
- hypertrophy of the cartilage and cavernous bodies of the penis;
- due to dissatisfaction with the size is too small and large;
- when the patient decides to change sex;
- with trauma and damage to the penis.
Most of the patients who visit the surgeon are men of adult age who deliberately go under the knife to correct the size of the dignity.
Penile lengthening surgery, like other surgical procedures, can lead to complications. Modern medical technologies can reduce their number. Often, unpleasant consequences appear due to the lack of professionalism of the doctor.

A failed operation can result in:
- decreased sensitivity of the penis and impotence,
- normal erection angle change,
- scar,
- infection,
- reduction in the length of the penis due to the accretion of the incision tissue into the pelvic floor, as a result of which some part of it may lie inside;
- pain when urinating or getting an erection,
- discomfort during sex.
The listed complications occurred within the first year after an unsuccessful operation and became the reason for repeated medical intervention.
Result of the procedure
Procedure | Result | Long-lasting results |
Cut ligaments | The penis is lengthened by 3-5 cm. | With a successful operation, the result is fixed throughout life. |
False | The penis remains the same size, lengthens up to 3 cm or shrinks depending on the purpose of implementation. | The results are long lasting. |
Lipofilling | Use activity The volume of the penis increases to a maximum of 2 cm. |
Over time, the results may disappear. |
Microsurgical muscle implants | The maximum penis enlargement is 3-4 cm. | The results are long lasting. |
Head Enlargement Surgery | Head mass increased to a maximum of 1 cm. | The results are long-lasting, but the head lift procedure is fraught with dangerous complications. |
Service costs
Where to perform and how much penis enlargement surgery costs, you can find out on the websites of plastic surgery facilities. Such surgical procedures are performed all over the world. How much does ligament surgery cost? This procedure will cost a man between $300 and $1, 000. Lipofilling costs are 1-2 thousand dollars. A man who decides to have a microsurgical implant will pay about 2, 500-4. 000 dollars, and for prostheses - from 15, 000 dollars, depending on the prosthesis.

Due to the high price, penis enlargement surgery is not possible for everyone.A man who has agreed to penis enlargement must accurately correlate not only financial, but also physical and psychological abilities.Rehabilitation can take a long time, during which time you must follow your doctor's instructions, including avoiding sex.
For reference!Prohibition of activities for young men under 18 years old; poor blood clotting; patients with genital infections; patients with mental disorders.
How to enlarge penis without surgery?
Before agreeing to surgery, men should try to increase their dignity by not having surgery. There are tools that can help them do this:

- Extender- a device that is used not only to correct the size, but also to eliminate a cosmetic defect, for example a curved penis. Under the influence of constant exertion (at least 8 hours a day for 3 months or more), the penis can increase by 2-3 cm, this method is considered the most popular due to its effectiveness and lack ofside effects.
- Suspend download.Let this treatment of what nature imposes remain in the past.
- Vacuum pumpor vacuum pump to increase penis size both in length and thickness. But the changes are only temporary, so it is recommended to use it right before intercourse.
- Medicines, supplements, gels and lubricantsNot the most effective way to enlarge your penis. Some preparations contain special vitamins that promote male health. They improve erectile function, help prolong sexual intercourse, but not anymore.
Before getting one of these super powerful "gadgets" or vitamins, try toning your body with massage or the ancient jelqing technique. A specially developed set of exercises aimed at changing the length of the penis and improving its function. If the above methods do not give the desired results and the need to enlarge the penis still does not go away with time, then penile reconstruction surgery will help to solve the problem.